Last Call | AmCham China 2023 Leadership Development Program

来源:中国美国商会AmChamChina 时间:2023-03-20 03:56:06


About LDP

Leadership Development Program


The AmCham China Leadership Development Program is a highly selective, 8-month program developed by the American Chamber of Commerce in China that aims to prepare the future generation of leaderswho will help the US-China relationship flourish. Each year, the Board of Governors at AmCham China intends to select 30 to 35 of the best-suited candidatesto participate in the program.

Candidates of the AmCham China Leadership Development Program will gain full exposure to the US-China business community. Each month there will be one three-hour session covering topics such as multicultural leadership, government relations in China, innovation leadership, US Embassy commercial operations, etc. Successful candidates will be awarded an \"AmCham China Leadership Development Program\" certificate of completion at AmCham China"s Annual General Meeting in November 2023.

Target participants

Leadership Development Program

AmCham China member or employee of a member company(limited seats open to non-members)

Aspiring leader aged between 28 and 40

Lived in China for a minimum of two years

Willing to commit to actively participating in an AmCham China Committee during the program year

Have an interest in furthering your knowledge about US-China relations and community leadership

Committed to attending all program sessions (two excused absences allowed)

Seven reasons to Apply

Leadership Development Program

Develop deep relationships with a network of aspiring leaders in China

Collaborate with AmCham"s top community leaders and organizations

Gain valuable insight and expertise from leaders of the US-China business community

Opportunities to develop leadership soft skills, such as communication, motivation, public speaking, problem-solving, etc.

Gain a deeper understanding of vital topics that distinguish you from the competition

Benefit from cross-industry learning and cross-industry network

Receiveacertificaterecognized by the AmCham business community

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Curriculum and Timeframe

Leadership Development Program

The program requires attendance of one three-hour session per month starting in April and ending in November. Networking opportunities are incorporated through social dinners and activities. Program sessions are led by senior leaders and industry experts of the AmCham community. Sample topics covered are:

(NOTE: these are just examples of 2022 classes" curriculums, not necessarily the exact topics 2023 LDP will cover)

Program Kick-off / Session 1: Introduction to AmCham China and Leadership Principles

Session 2: Understanding AmCham China and US Embassy Relations

Session 3: Tech CEO Session - Leadership and Innovation

Session 4: Coaching in Leadership - Coaches as Leaders

Session 5: The Leadership Journey

Session 6: Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability

Session 7: Government Relations in China

Session 8: Diversity in Leadership

Graduation Celebration

Participants are expected to attend all sessions in person or online. Program participants must attend six out of eight sessions to graduate.

Speakers of 2022 LDP

To Apply

Leadership Development Program

Online form must be completed for the application to be considered.

Submit a short bio (English), CV, and photo toprojects@amchamchina.orgwith the subject line \"AmCham Leadership Development Program\". This is required for your application to be considered complete.


Click the button below to complete and submit your application

Program Fee

Leadership Development Program

RMB 5,000

for AmCham China members or employees of member companies

RMB 6,500

for non-membersor employees of non-member companies

*Participants are encouraged to seek corporate sponsorship

Once the application period closes, the selection committee will review applications. Successful applicants will be notified no later thanMarch31, 2023.

Take this important step towards becoming a future leader of the US-China business community!

Quotes from our participants

Leadership Development Program

\"Joining the LDP program was one of the most remarkable experiences for me in 2022. I was deeply impressed by the number of speakers that LDP has invited for speeches - most of whom served as senior leadership team members in various industries and shared their life experiences that could not have been heard elsewhere. Besides, it was also encouraging to meet so many inspired young professionals. A sincere thank you to everyone who put this program together!\"

Kara Ma, Chief Operation Officer, Beijing BISS International School

\"I have benefited greatly from the speakers and enjoyed a lot the networking opportunities throughout the LDP program. The unique experience is valuable for my career and personal growth!\"

Jayden Zhang, Chief of Staff to Merck China President, Head of China Office,Merck Holding China

\"Itwasagreatlearningexperiencewith valuable insights and practical experiences from senior leaders from various industries and areas. I alsogot many friends from the 8-month LDP journey which are treasures for my future work and life.\"

Huihui Wang, China Government Affairs Manager, Agilent Technologies

\"LDP created a very good opportunity for me to connect more closely with the AmCham community, and I definitelyobtained the two things that I hoped to get when I initially joined the program: fun and friends.\"

Jesse Si, Managing Director, Mintz Group

\"I really enjoyed the experience and insights sharing from various invited speakers. It enlightened me and increased my confidence to become a better leader.\"

Meiliang Wang, Head of Integrated Technology Solution, Merck China

\"I highly recommend the LDP program to all young leaders. The program does a fantastic job of balancing depth and breadth of leadership, through engaging leaders across all industries in thought provoking topics and discussions. Is there a year 2 of the program?\"

Steve H. Qin,Project Execution Manager, Huizhou Chemical Complex Project, ExxonMobil (China) Investment Co., Ltd

\"More than asingle program, LDP is a platform full ofopportunity, challenge,creativity and life wealth to cohorts. If youhavetalent employee with potential, send him/her to LDP; itwill exceed your expectation.\"

Lin Yu, Assistant President, Permco

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For questions, please contact Nan ZHANG atprojects@amchamchina.orgor mobile/wechat 13683274291.




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